
Mara Jade Skywalker

332 byte aggiunti, 09:43, 30 dic 2010
/* Perseguitata */
Quando Leia tornò su Coruscant per curare le ferite inflittegli da Tsavong Lah, Mara, Luke e i Solo le diedero supporto durante la fase di guarigione. Nel mentre, Mara assistette al fallimento della politica anti-Jedi per pochissimi voti e continuò a temere che ben un terzo del Senato coltivasse ancora gli stessi umori ostili.
Dopo l'umiliazione subita da [[Jacen Solo]], Tsavong Lah mise una taglia sui Jedi e molti furono consegnati ai Vong dai collaboratori della Brigata della Pace.
Nello stesso periodo Mara iniziò a soffrire di alcuni malesseri legati alla gravidanza.
In seguito all'attacco dell'Accademia Jedi Su Yavin, Luke, Mara, Jaina e Jacen
After the humiliation he had suffered at the hands of Jacen Solo, Tsavong Lah put out a call for the heads of all the Jedi, and many were turned over to the Yuuzhan Vong by Peace Brigade collaborators. Mara was experiencing some of the more unpleasant side effects of pregnancy, including morning sickness and mood swings. After the Jedi Academy on Yavin came under attack, with Anakin Solo there trying to protect it, Luke, Mara, Jacen, and Jaina had an interview with Borsk Fey'lya to request New Republic assistance. They were flatly denied by the self-serving Bothan, who also declared Yavin off-limits to the Jedi. To help Karrde in his attempts to get all the Jedi off the planet, Luke and Mara sent Jacen and Jaina in the Jade Shadow to find Booster Terrik and the Errant Venture' and request their aid. Mara wanted to undertake this mission herself, but Luke decided against it, as Fey'lya was sure to be watching their movements and would know if they had defied his orders. Instead, Anakin Solo sneaked off the planet and Mara recruited Karrde's help to get the trainees away from the beleaguered academy.[